We all know that finding work right now is hard. It takes more than just a good resume (
click here) to get an employer's attention. But because the recession has many people scrapping for money, several people that normally wouldn't be searching for a job, such as mothers, are.
In June, the nation saw its unemployment rate increase to 9.5 percent, according to the United States Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics. The country lost a total of 467,000 jobs during the same month. Since the beginning of the recession in December 2007, the number of unemployed people has increased by 7.2 million. Those numbers show that it has been anything but easy to get a job.
It's hard enough trying to convince someone to hire you. It's even harder when you've spent the last few years taking care of children. That's why Act Three, a new start-up company, is trying to help women move from motherhood to employment.
The president of the company is a mother of four. Act Three offers personal coaching, group workshops and affordable networking sessions. The company also has a "Back to Work Readiness Test" and can help mothers identify their passion and talentsin order to choose the right career path.
Act Three also helps mothers refresh their skills by offering one-on-one training in
Excel and
PowerPoint. You also can get help creating an online present and setting up a professional network and professional e-mail account.
Overall, the site helps you identify your passions and talents, determine what kind of work fits you,
build a resume that addresses years off and gets you interviews, write an elevator speech that leaves a lasting impression, learn how to network effectively, practice interviewing skills and dress for the job you want.
Labels: Resume tips
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