You probably know that keeping an up-to-date resume is one of the most important things you can do while employed or while thinking about looking for another job. This might not always occur to people who are self-employed, but it's just as important, and there are some
resume tips to consider.
You never know when you're going to need a good, up-to-date resume, especially during this economy. Resumes can be handy for just about any worker, and that includes the self-employed, according to an article by
For instance, a client might request a resume before they will hire you, an organization might request a resume before it will allow you to speak or you might need a resume to re-enter the traditional workforce.
Here are some tips for the self-employed worker
looking to write a resume:
- Focus on your accomplishments instead of your tasks. For instance, if you write reports, you shouldn't only say you write reports. Instead, describe what those reports have accomplished and how they've brought in revenue or benefited your business in some other way.
- If you're looking for a salaried position, it's sometimes better to downplay the fact that you're self-employed. You can avert this by calling yourself an organizational consultant instead of the owner of the firm. This also could help any misconception that the self-employed don't like to take orders from others.
- Instead of writing an objective section on your resume, write a profile about yourself, which should include what skills you have and why you would be an asset to the company.
- In the end, remember that the resume of a self-employed worker is really no different than that of any other worker.
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